
The act of speaking or talking.




The act of speaking or talking.

Powerful narratives for a better world

Our Mission

In today’s online world, where gender stereotypes often take center stage, we’re here to make a positive change.  U Amba is a collective of partners working together to create a digital space that is filled with positive, holistic and powerful narratives. We’re on a mission to transform the way narratives are spread online and change the conversation from one that tears down to one that builds up. We’re digging deep into the digital landscape, looking at how different lives are represented, and challenging the old, unfair beliefs that have held us back for too long and deeply affected people’s lives in harsh ways. From gender to sexuality, from bodily autonomy to feminism and even our identities, u Amba is about (re)shaping how dominant negative narratives shape our existence. It’s about making space for positive stories and voices to thrive.

Creating Ecosystems

Our goal is to bring about a space where people, organisations and all sorts of actors can collectively grow and figure out how, together, push back against toxicity on the internet and make it kinder, fairer, and more inclusive space that changes the way people think about and see things. It is all about community and coming together.

And we’re not just about the digital realm. We’re creating physical spaces where people can come together, learn, and connect. It’s a holistic approach to building a better narrative. This all comes with the understanding that there is a relationship between what happens digitally and physically. Not only are we trying to build a #DigitalEutopia, but also bring together the online and offline space, showing the magical connection between them by allowing people to come together and create opportunities for people to connect through trainings and events. Together, we’re building strong, positive and powerful narratives that can stand tall against the anti-rights and exclusionary rhetoric.


What we offer

Our website is designed for people who are eager to change the online world. We’re talking about young, educated activists, people wanting to make a change through stories, and curious researchers who know that the internet shapes our lives. Here, you’ll find engaging content, thought-provoking research, resources and inspiring personal stories. It’s a place for anyone who believes in a world where everyone’s gender and rights are celebrated and respected, whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been fighting this fight for a while. Join us in creating a more inclusive and equal online world, and join us in person at our events to connect with like-minded individuals who share the same vision. Together, we’re building an environment of empowering narratives that can stand tall against the ‘anti -everything and everyone’ rhetoric.
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